I was working on a couple new videos for my YouTube channel today and the similarity to what I was “educating” on for spinal cord injuries, and the comparison to real life is too obvious to not mention.
In my 2-part video set, the first video deals with paralyzed core muscles and how that makes us very off-balance because we lack the core stability to keep us upright. It is hard to find your new balancing point and you definitely have to have some external supports in place to be safe.
Does that sound like life at times? Uhm…yes!!
Life can be very upsetting. It can topple you over in a second. You are left very unsteady, and you aren’t even sure which direction you need to head. You are so off balance, you can’t even function in the simplest of ways.
This is where you need external support. Physically, for me, that means special seating and cushions and the angles of my wheelchairs. But spiritual and emotionally, this means our precious Savior and dear friends that love Jesus supporting and rallying around you. It stabilizes. It allows you to stay out of bed each day.
The second video has to do with having a “quad gut”. It happens when your core is paralyzed and there isn’t anything you can really do about it.
And have you ever felt that way? Circumstances that happened that you didn’t choose? You didn’t want? But it happened TO you?
What are you doing to do? Hate it? Detest it? Fight against it?
Or are you going to release whatever it is and just learn to embrace the “less desirable” areas you had nothing to do with and are powerless to change them as a part of the new you?
This new you can hold your head high. Not because your body (or life) is perfect, but because you have learned to accept things you cannot change and live in peace with it.
I hope as you watch these two very “physical” videos, you will come away with the same comparisons to our spiritual and emotional lives and how balance and acceptance are choices that only you and I can make.
Trust me, the rest of your life will thank you.
Video 1: “A Paralyzed Core & Finding Balance
Click to Watch
Video 2: “Quad Belly/ Para Gut – What Is It?
Click to Watch